The Ark Project.

Thousands or men and women in London are experiencing homelessness and have to sleep rough and walk about hungry most of the times. While there are government programmes and major Charities that offer help in such circumstances, the help is never enough and not all rough sleepers get to benefit.
Therefore, in our local community we make it a point of duty to help those in  need of food and other basic items like toiletries as much as we could. From time to time homeless people are invited into our premises and hot meals and other daily useful items are handed over to them.
But most importantly our aim is to see that the destinies of such people get turned around and we offer them the most potent tool at our disposal, which is the word of God and prayer. So we look beyond the physical needs and attend to the Spiritual as well.
Those who are desirous are given access to our inhouse training programmes to provide information that will empower such people to become independent and become useful members of the society contributing their quota towards the development of the whole community.
Our ambassadors are incredible  men and women of the church who have volunteered to work with  anyone that require the help that we provide in this area. They are from various backgrounds and experiences and age groups. Therefore they are able to meet every needy person at the point of their needs with empathy and compassion and most importantly, the love of God.